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Holly Russell (Manchester Metropolitan University) - I believe this piece has been photographed on Alice Dellal. Sure she looks heaps better in it but it does weirdly look like my black hair is running into the shoulders where there are these flowing hair shoulder pads. The make-up/hair woman had to keep brushing the shoulder pads down to keep it smooth...
"When the world was old, all things became possible. Opposites remained opposed, yet found a unity in being so. Sameness was no longer the same, but different at each turn. Time remained infinite, but closed in finite cycles with distinct variations. [...]
Alas, the world was still young too. When the world was young, there was no reason, as it was not needed, as long as gratification was easy. Reasoning became a need only when gratification became difficult, and only after the resulting wave of panic. Reason is the result of panic, in that it is the only way to keep panic from spinning out of control and consuming entirely our vital energy. Reason enables us to delay desire, to wait, to dream, and to plan."