Friday, April 15, 2011

what an idiot

"Her other fashion hero is the late, great Alexander McQueen. When McQueen comes up, Gaga leans back and a sense of wonder glows from her face. She thinks that after his suicide, McQueen began working through her. "I think he planned the whole thing: Right after he died, I wrote 'Born This Way.' I think he's up in heaven with fashion strings in his hands, marionetting away, planning this whole thing." Supporting Gaga's claim was the decision by the label--not Gaga herself--to move up the release date for "Born This Way," ultimately to the exact day of the one-year anniversary of McQueen's death. "When I heard that, I knew he planned the whole damn thing. I didn't even write the fucking song. He did!"

Gaga udtaler sig om guddommelig inspiration til Bazaar.



  1. åh Gaga! Og jeg troede egentlig bare det var dig der skrev sangen(!?) Omg. Det næste der blir revealed fra "House of Gaga" er at Madonna er hendes mor.. for det kan jeg relatere til. -Express yourself!
